Julie Rosicky (ISS USA) and Olivier Geissler (ISS Switzerland) represented the ISS network at an important expert workshop dealing with the topic of Child-Sensitive Return and Reintegration on 1st of March 2019 at UNICEF New York Headquarters.
The meeting convened partners from governments, UN agencies and civil society.
Through various examples (in USA, Central America, Switzerland and West Africa) Olivier and Julie shared ISS experience and showed how transnational case management and social work are necessary components to implementing quality sustainable solutions and respecting the rights and dignity of children and families.
The international ISS manual on Children on the Move and its associated 8 step quality procedure was promoted as a framework to guide professionals and governments to more appropriately address the needs of children and families affected by migration.
Olivier and Julie encouraged States to develop the capacity of their child protection actors to collaborate across borders and to utilize a harmonized procedure for case management to ensure a continuum of quality care and durable solutions in the best interest of each child entering or returning to their states.