Intercountry adoption and its risks: A guide for prospectiv adopters (2011) The Guide is a tool that takes prospective adoptive parents through the whole procedure, providing them with concrete information on each and every stage.
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
Available in english and french
Intercountry adoption and search for origins: A guide for adoptees (2018) This Guide is in the continuity of the Guide Intercountry adoption and its risks - A guide for prospective adopters: detailing and providing with concrete information on each and every stage of a search for origins process.
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
Available in english, german and french
Financial and other support to countries of origin linked to intercountry adoption: A guide for prospective adoptive parent(s), adoptive families and older adoptees (2019) Whilst ICA as a child protection measure can bring many benefits to children, it is not without risks. One major risk relates to financial and other support to countries of origin, which is the focus of this Guide.
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
Available in english and french